Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Birthday Goals 2012

Today is my 25th birthday. I'm not afraid of getting older but I'm afraid of being old. Does that make sense? One of my life goals is to make sure I use my life wisely. To make sure I am always on track I give myself daily, weekly, yearly goals. Not on paper necessarily but in my mind. Here's the list of things I would like have accomplished before I turn 26.
1. Read 2-3 books a month
2. Finish the boys baby books
3. Set up my etsy/online shop.
4. Get another 2 personal training clients.
5. Receive my Nutrition and Wellness Certification.
6. Aim to Eat clean and balanced.
7. Go on an awesome 6th anniversary trip.
8. Sew pillows for our bedroom.
9. Learn to quilt and make a quilt for Cohen's big boy bed.
10. Run at least one 10k race perhaps even a half marathon!

I'll start with 10 goals and I'll go from there.
I'll get back to my coffee and kitkat cheesecake now:)

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