Wednesday, August 19, 2009

three years:)

Last night Jason and I went to Winnipeg on the Red River Cruise for our anniversary. We left Cohen with my parents so we had the night to ourselves. The night was full of interesting people. Lots of drunk people. Some drugs were being smoked as well. So we were probably the only two people..including the crew...who were in their right minds. Oh makes for an entertaining evening.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When he looks at me, he looks right into my eyes. He's changing so much everyday. A month goes by so fast. I love watching him learn and take in this outside world. When he looks at me, my heart melts and I forget that he kept me up for hours last night. Or that he won't nap for more than twenty minutes at a time today..making it impossible for me to nap or do much of anything else. Well I hear my little Cohen waking up from his ten minute nap...