Friday, November 25, 2011

And the Christmas Countdown Begins...

Well...technically I start my offical countdown on December 1st. Two years ago I purchased the advent calendar kit from Red Velvet and use it as a tradition with my family. Every year I plan out twenty four days of fun activities and/or treats. It used to be only for Jason and I, but as Cohen gets older I'm having more fun creating memories with him.
I know as a rule, boys are not into home decor crafts but I'm definetly planning on doing this together:)

This is so Going on my Christmas DIY list!!

So simple! All you need is a wreath form, glue, and some coffee filters!

(Pinterest is so awesome!)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

favourite fall accessory


I absolutely love my cowl. I made it over a year ago now and it is my go to warm accessory. I use it in the fall and all through winter into those cool spring mornings.
Every time I wear it, I'm always asked where I got it. I sold my first one last spring to a lady I met at a meeting and she loves hers too!
I'm selling them through my facebook page. I'm pumped that other people like them too.
They are perfect for breastfeeding too. Scarves and big sweaters are too bulky. The cowl provides a little cozy hider:)

Monday, October 17, 2011

{faith} Psalms

This fall, in Sunday School, we are working through the pratical application of Praise. The pastor (my dad!) is challenging us to memorize scripture. Honestly, I haven't done this for at least 12 years. As a class we are working through some Psalms.

This class has been personally challenging for me. Its forcing me out of my comfort zone, which is definetly a good thing. I find its so much easier to worship the Lord, then praise Him. Praise is supposed to be loud and clamourous. I would rather listen to some worship music, close my eyes, and be silent.

While reading my Bible this morning, I came across a verse that really woke me up:

With every bone in my body, I will praise Him...
Psalm 35:10A

Every bone? I can hardly comprehend that. That means with everything that I am I praise Him. Giving everything in Praise. So vulnerable.

My toddler has been a major inspiration and example to me of this verse. If I put on a praise cd, he will dance around without any regard for anybody. Purely innocent. He has no insecurities. He will yell at the top of his lungs: "Hallelujah" "Yeah, Jesus!" He always asks me to dance with Him. I do. But I can't do it like him. I always hold back. I don't want to look foolish, but it shouldn't matter. Praise is about giving back to Jesus. He has done so much for me. It shouldn't matter what others think. It should only matter what He thinks.

Its easy to type, easy to say...but extremely difficult to live out. Its a journey. I'm working on it! I want to live with no abandon. Fully free.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

National Coffee Day

The boys are asleep. So this is how I'm enjoying my "me" time. Did you know its national coffee day? This is my excuse for indulging in some java this afternoon...not that I needed one:)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Source: None via Jenni on Pinterest

As I type, the house is completely silent. I can hear the gentle hum of the fridge, and the bouncing of the clothes in the dryer, and a few squeaks from a sleeping baby. I brewed some chai tea and am enjoying the quiet.

Today marks my third day home alone with both of my boys. My grandparents had been staying with us but made there way back home on Monday morning. Monday went okay. My only goal was to survive until 5 oclock. I managed to get the boys and myself dressed and fed. We watched way too much tv but I'm at peace with that right now. By Monday evening I noticed some stiffness in my breast. And if you know my history with my first child and mastitis, this is very scary. I went to the clinic and they were closed so I thought I would nurse Paxton and then go to emergency to get some antibiotics. While nursing him, the pain went from a one to a one million. My whole breast got tomato red and my nipple turned purple and bruised (yeah I little TMI). I stopped nursing and it took me three minutes to be apple to but my bra back on. I would rather go through labour then feel that pain again. So now I'm on antibiotics and trying my best to stay positive about breastfeeding. Its very tempting to stop to prevent any risk of infection but Paxton is only two weeks old and I feel terrible about stopping so early. The pain is more or less gone and I've started pumping on the left again. I'm waiting until the nipple heals before attempting nursing again.

So I'm enjoying the silence and the fact that I'm in no pain right now. I feel normal. Like a human. Not a milk machine or a bum who doesn't take a shower:)

Slowly but surely I'm healing and adjusting to life as a mother of two. I even did two loads of laundry today! Oh the things mothers become proud of:)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Paxton Lukas

So here's the newest addition to our little family, Paxton Lukas! He was born on Saturday, September 3, 2011 @ 3:25 AM weighing in at  7lbs 8oz and 20.5" long. I was certain that he was going to be a girl so I was so overwhelmed when he was a boy! I'm already loving the sound of saying "my boys"!

Paxton's journey to the outside world was not without trauma. Cohen (my first born) had a difficult journey too and ended with a c-section.
I woke up with lots of energy and decided I should make a batch of salsa. So my grandma and I chopped up veggies and broke out the canner and got a large batch made. Then we cleaned the house and headed out for lunch.
On Friday afternoon I went to the hospital because I was (TMI) bleeding more than I thought I should be. I was admitted to the maternity ward and they did an internal exam. Turns out I was 8 cm dilated. You have to know I was in ZERO pain and was only feeling light cramping in my lower back. I bounced around on the ball and walked around, listened to my ipod and hung out with Jason. We thought, "Man, this baby is just going to walk right out!"
When my doctor arrived at the hospital, she checked my again and she couldn't feel the baby's head so she broke my water to give her a better idea of where I was. I was actually only 6cm but still no major pain.
By 7:00pm I was 9 cm (still with no pain). My doctor said if nothing happened by ten they were going to induce me to intensify my contractions. I really didn't want any medical intervention so the nurse suggested pumping with the breast pump every hour for ten minutes. I did that for three hours and then my contractions came on strong. By midnight I was trying my best to push that baby out.
After an hour and a half I was done. I hadn't slept the night before and was exhausted. By then they babies head was really far down and trying to get over the pubic bone. After some examinations they realized that yet again the baby was face up. I pushed until 3am and it was decided that they baby was just not coming out.
As the last hope before a c-section we stupidly opted to try the vaccuum. They tried 2-3 times but it didn't work. Two doctors examined me one more time and it was decided that at this point a c-section was the best option. I really didn't want another c-section but I was actually so relieved when I could stop pushing. My pelvis was just not made to deliver naturally.
After getting all stitched back together I was informed that there possibly was something wrong with the baby. They were doing tests and we might be sent to another hospital. I was still foggy from the epidural and exhausted from the labour, that I didn't totally comprehend but I just started crying.
Turns out everything was fine. His blood sugar was a little low but was normal within 24 hours. Apparently that's one of the risks of using the vaccuum.
I was able to nurse with in a few hours of the operation which can be rare after a c-section. He latched on right away and has been a breastfeeding poster child every since.
He is so perfect! And he looks like me when I was a baby:) This makes me happy because my oldest has never ever looked like me.
So we are all glad that is behind us and are just enjoying our new son. My favourite thing so far is his cute gas-induced smiles! He seems to smile at just the right times and its too funny:)

In case you are wondering Paxton means "place of peace" and Lukas means "light, luminous." He is so content and just suits his name perfectly!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

This pretty much sums up how I've been feeling the last week or so! My grandma read it in the paper and sent it to me:) If you have every been pregnant you know that the last few weeks you are just DONE.

Today I'm 39 weeks and 2 days. Just 5 days to go until my due date but I'm hoping for an early arrival! I have a doctor's appointment today and am excited to learn if I have made any progress. At my appointment on Friday, I was 3-4 cm dilated and my cervix was quite thin. Hopefully today I'll be a little bit further along! The good thing about labour is that once you are dilated you can't go backwards.

Everything is ready to go. I have my hospital bag and diaper bag packed, the crib is made and the car seat has been cleaned. The pack-n-play is set up in our room and I bought newborn diapers yesterday. I forgot how little and cute they are (pre-poop of course!) Cohen thought they were the coolest thing he had every seen. He kept saying "oh tiny baby diapers!"

I can hardly sleep. Its uncomfortable and my mind is so anxious! I just want to meet the baby. I was up until almost five this morning questioning the names we have picked out and starting to worry if they baby will be healthy, or if it will HUGE! I finally prayed for the baby and asked God for a safe and quick delivery. And then I moved my large self to the couch and finally could get to sleep. (Apparently last night my husband thought I was a body pillow, so I kept having to remove his leg from mine.)

Wednesdays are usually my busiest day of the week, usually teaching 2-3 classes and working a four hour shift. So I don't know what to do with myself today. Having nothing to do is strange for me. I am going to play with Cohen, bounce on my exercise ball, read, drink tea, and finish sewing some burp cloths. Speaking of Cohen, I hear is sweet voice waking up:)

I'll keep you posted on my progress!

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What He Wore: Pinstripes

Most morning when I get Cohen dressed I tell him how cute he is. Recently when he hears that he has to run to my room to look in the full length mirror and then asks me to take a picture.

Shirt and Shorts: The Children's Place

Hair: in need of a cut

Face: in need of a good washing

Cohen is usually interested in clothing that features a soccer ball, elmo,or a guitar. Sometimes its difficult to get him to where anything else:)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Baby Picks: Diaper Bags.

Well, countdown is on...only 6 weeks left until my due date. In some ways the last 7.5 months has gone by quickly but that makes this last little bit feel the longest. I'm starting to feel nervously excited. I can not wait to hold this little one (who most people tell me will be a girl! Although I will be happy with either)! We still have a trillion (not exaggerating) things to do before the baby gets here.

We are trying to prepare ourselves with how our lives will change once we had a fourth family member to the mix. Cohen likes the idea of the baby but has no clue how is life will change...mind you...neither to we!

As I prepare for this next one I find myself going back two years and rethinking what I really need and what I didn't use at all.

Today, I'm focusing on diaper bags. I'm kinda stingy when it comes to purchasing a bag that will be filled with soiled clothes and pukky blankets.

With Cohen I purchased the Lug Tuk Tuk bag. It really is a great bag. It has insulated bottle holders and it so so easy to clean.

For me, the only con to this bag was I found it too wide for my body. I was always crashing into things with it. For at least the last year I have downsized to just carrying one of my larger purses around (which results in lots of bags with spilled milk inside), or carrying a separate bag just for him. I still use this bag for weekend trips, camping or when he has sleepovers at his Mama's and Papa's house. I can see myself using this as my gym back when Cohen is big enough to carry his own backpack.

During a baby show this winter I laid my eyes on the most beautiful bag in the world! (at least to me!) Its the Petunia Pickle Bottom Scout Journey diaper bag. It does not have the look of a diaper bag and its long and NOT wide:)

As of yet I do not own this bag, but I would like to! So far my only "con" to this bag is that at around $160..its a little bit out of my price range! But I'm still saving up my pennies in hopes that I can get it before the baby!

What kinda diaper bag do you have? And does it work for more than one child? I would love to get some advice!

Monday, May 30, 2011

weeks 23-25

I'm starting to get anxious and excited for this baby:) Besides having a cold right now, I feel awesome and the baby is growing and growing!

23 weeks:

up 1 lb; up 1.25"

This week I got some "me" time by booking an appointment to get my hair done with Holly; having a little trouble with my siatic nerve especially when I'm on my feet alot. Had a girls weekend with my mom and sisters! We had a yummy supper, played blacklight mini golf, and watched Bridesmaids. The next day we spent the day shopping and stopping at Starbucks! I tried a Chai Frapp and its my new summer fave!

24 weeks:

up 0.6 lbs; no increase in "

As you can see by the pic above, I sunburned my arms, chest and back. With the heat, I noticed a lot of pressure in my legs which makes me "waddle." With Jason's help I got our veggie garden planted! (Pictures to come) I love our garden because it is so big! On the weekend I rented myself a movie, The King's Speech, and a pepsi slurpee which has been my craving for at least a week or two. Baby kicks are getting stronger and stronger. It was a beautiful week and I got to do a lot of biking.

25 weeks:

up 1.6 lbs; up 0.25"

I tried to run on the treadmill but between my calf muscles trying to spasm and my hips hurting I gave up and jumped on the Arc Trainer. Jason and I got a start on Cohen's big boy room to we can move him in there before the baby arrives. Started getting a sore throat. Convinced Jason to give me a foot rub, during which I feel asleep.

Basically I have the summer to get ready for this baby...and it almost being June I have a lot to do and a lot of camping to do before then!

Friday, May 20, 2011

One Mama's Mumblings

Being a mother can be a strange thing.
I've never experienced anything more natural in my entire life.
But sometimes I'm filled with fear and overwhelming responsibility.
Then I see this face and it all but disappears.

I only get one chance with this little guy.

Everyday he gets bigger, smarter, and more aware of his surroundings.

I want to make sure I'm doing the right things. Like disciplining. I find it way more difficult than I thought. He just chooses not to listen!!! I know he's not the only one but, wow!, I never thought he would learn so quickly.

At 22 months, he has figured out that when I tell him no and he does it anyways, he uses his puppy dog eyes and tries his best to get me to smile. (I try to resist but that face makes my heart literally melt)

But I also have to say I have so much fun with him! Really I do! Who knew you could have such a fun conversation with a toddler. He makes me laugh and he loves to see me smile:) I love that I have such a cute little buddy to spend my days with.

I know I'm not the only momma with fears but there really isn't anything more fullfilling I could be doing with my life!

Monday, May 9, 2011

belly update

Here' s what I've been up to:

13 weeks:

no weight gain; up 0.25"

Hips are a little stiff; went through some baby clothes; tired again; First tickly baby flutters (love it)

14 weeks:

up 3.2 lbs; up 0.50"

a very busy week; lots of workouts in; feeling the start of a cold; a time change = a even more tired mama

15 weeks:

up 0.2 lbs; no inches

heart that little heartbeat today; ate Mcdonalds :(; I feel good but any amount of sitting makes my hips/siatic nerve act up

16 weeks:

up 0.3 lbs; up 0.50 "

feel very healthy and active; I felt the first really big kick!

17 weeks:

up 0.1 lb, down 0.25"

full moon = crazy toddler; a week full of peeing alot; lost my appetite (but not my cravings)

18 weeks:

down 2 lbs; up 0.75"

week started with the flu and hints of dehydration; Daddy suprised me with a date night complete with a babysitter (didn't have to plan a thing!); Daddy, Cohen and I went for a 3k jog together

19 weeks:

up 3.4 lbs; no inches

went for a long walk outside; ran a few k's outside; bought a wedge pillow and finally had a good night sleep; busy weekend away at a conference

20 weeks:

up 1 lb; up 0.75 "

Oh sweet baby heartbeats; need some sunshine to increase my energy!



up 1 lb; no inches

Got to see your cute little face via ultrasound#1

22 weeks:

down 0.6 lbs; up 0.25"

did lots of yoga this week; lots and lots of kicks; been biking alot; playing outside and getting that fresh air is giving me alot more energy; enjoyed Mother's Day with my boys

I feel great! I'm so looking forward to the next few months prepping my body and home for this new baby:)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the first trimester

Well its been over three months since I found out I am pregnant with baby #2. Since then blogging has had to take a backseat to a growing toddler, a tired mama, a blogger image uploader not working, and an increase in work hours. But hopefully I can keep up a little bit more now. Here is a week by week account of my first trimester:
6 weeks:

up 3 lbs This week we told our families. I already look "chubby" especially in my gym clothes but everyone tells me its not noticeable.

7 weeks:

no weight gain:), up 1"

Released the news in the online world. First doctors appointment but too early to hear the heartbeat. Very tired.

8 weeks:

up 0.8 lbs, up 1"

Purged what will be Cohen's room so we can start working on the nursery for baby. Drank lots of water. Worked out 6/7 days. Jason suprised me the A&W Chubby Chicken's:)

9 weeks:

up 1.5 lbs; down .5"

My Birthday:) Exercised every day. Super duper tired. Jason's birthday. Went swimming and ate yummy Mexican. Did I mention I'm tired?

10 weeks:

up 0.4 lbs; no "s

Starting to feel my hips loosen up. Got the flu. So not fun when pregnant and have a toddler at home. Ate taco salad..yum!

11 weeks:

no weight gain; no "s

Celebrated Valentine's Day with my parents (heartshaped pizzas). Unseasonable warm day so took Cohen for a long walk. Second dr's appointment. Got to hear the heartbeat. No better feeling. Cohen lifted up my shirt and said "hi, baby!"

12 weeks:

up 0.4 lbs; up 0.25"

TIRED. Pants are starting to feel tight. Crave watermelon. Drove over 4 hours for a friends wedding. Hips are sore.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

a wee bit personal

I woke up this morning feeling slightly sad and lonely. I have a house full of people that love so that shouldn't be a problem..right?

I start to feel overwhelmed with life.
I start re-pondering a lot of the choice that I've made.
Some of those choice have changed my whole life. Without them I wouldn't be who and what I am today. Not that I regret those decisions, but whenever you choose something there's always a sacrifice or something else left behind.

Does anyone else ever get this way?
I need to get out of this funk before its time to face the day...

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today is for excitement. In a few hours from now I'm meeting with one of my friends to help her get started on adding fitness in to her lifestyle. I created a program for her to suit her goals and am very excited to show her.

Today, while Cohen is napping, I'm going to have a bath and read a book. You see I usually only have time to shower but a bath is defintely a luxury.

Today I get to spend the evening with my son. We are going to read books and have snacks and play with his tractors. And then he is going to have a bath:)

Today is a good day and I can't wait to get it started.

(I saw a sign somewhere this morning but I can't remember the source but it read: Yesterday the house was clean, Sorry you missed it!) So true!

I hope you have a great day full of excitement:)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

birthday wish list...

My 24th birthday is on Monday...just a few days away. I've picked out my top 5 gift wish list for my husband and I thought I would share it with you. Stella and Dot...wish my friend Holly is selling. I can't decide which one I like better...the gold or the silver.

Dutch Blitz is my all time favourite game:)

These boots are my favourite AND in my size!

This camera has been on my list for a few years now...

I always get bad calluses when weight training. These gloves are the cutest:)

We are hoping to go away next weekend to celebrate our birthdays. (jason's is 4 days after mine). I love getting away...even if its just for a night.

Tonight is for birthday celebration #2. Yay! for not having to make supper:)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

its true its true its baby#2

(pic is from my last pregnancy taken by the lovely holly)
So on December 30, 2010 I found out I am expecting baby#2! We are very excited:)
Our son, Cohen, is 18 months old and he is as excited as he could be at his age. He says hi and bye to the baby:)
It was a little sooner than we originally planned but we are happy none the less. It felt like it was time! We are surprise people so we are waiting until this baby's birthday to find out the sex. I'm a little scared of the delivery this time but I'm going to go with the flow and hope for a natural, water birth.
I'm really excited about the possibility of having a girl! I wanted a son and he is so great but I really want to dress up a little girl!
My due date is September 5 which just happens to ironically be Labour Day! Maybe that's a good sign:)
Okay now only to get through the next 33 weeks!

Monday, January 17, 2011

i love yoga

For the last few weeks I have been getting back into a daily yoga practice. I am definetely not a classic or traditional yogi but I am sure liking the increase in flexiblity and relaxation yoga is giving me.
I bought myself Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown DVD and its awesome (despite her voice and the fact that she doesn't actually do any of the poses).
Since last summer I have been ending off all of my fitness classes by walking the class through sun salutations. There are so many different versions of sun salutations but I chose one that looks just like the one I do.
If you are looking to add yoga to your exercise regime, start with this sun salutation. Remember to inhale (through your nose) and exhale (through your mouth) with every pose!



Sunday, January 9, 2011

Etsy {Mid Century} Wishes

I love the high back and the seat looks so comfy.

This two-tiered coffee table is definetly a must for my living room.

I love the length of this table.

I can so picture myself wearing this dress while reading in the park (obvs. in the summer!)

The back of this chair makes my knees weak

Its hard to find dresses that will look good on my short legs...but I think this one might do the trick.

The belt on this fab dress is FANTASTIC.

Oh Enamel...I love you

Look at those colours!

This mixer is the pefect colour!

Again with the enamel and the colours:)

I didn't even know pans like these have ever existed. I'm in love!

Not only do I love this table but the whole living room is spectacular!

Hope you enjoyed my journey in to the 1960's.