So on December 30, 2010 I found out I am expecting baby#2! We are very excited:)
Our son, Cohen, is 18 months old and he is as excited as he could be at his age. He says hi and bye to the baby:)
It was a little sooner than we originally planned but we are happy none the less. It felt like it was time! We are surprise people so we are waiting until this baby's birthday to find out the sex. I'm a little scared of the delivery this time but I'm going to go with the flow and hope for a natural, water birth.
I'm really excited about the possibility of having a girl! I wanted a son and he is so great but I really want to dress up a little girl!
My due date is September 5 which just happens to ironically be Labour Day! Maybe that's a good sign:)
Okay now only to get through the next 33 weeks!
Congratulations! How exciting!
excited for you guys!!! :)
Woohoo!!!! So excited for your family! Hope you're feeling great!
Congratulations! Such wonderful news!
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