2010 was a great year. Full of great memories and lots of laughter...that sounds so corny but its so true. In no particular order, here's some photos from 2010.

We had to say goodbye to this beautiful puppy, Otis. His face will be missed:(

I got to spend countless hours with my beautiful neice, Kya. She is the funniest little girl I've ever met. We always tell her to "say okay" so that we know she understands what we are telling her. Well I was sitting beside her and she wanted ME to do something and she said "auntie wawa...say otay". Cutest evah!

My sister and brother-in-law, brought this wonderful boy into the world. Addison is one of the happiest babies in the whole world. And Cohen absolutely adores him:)

Jas and I celebrating our 4th anniversary! We had planned to go on a warm, sunny vacation this winter so we had a low key anniversary. (now we can't go on vacation but maybe next year...)

This drawer is full of all my baking utensils (ahem...was full.) He constantly emptied the drawers and carried the contents all throughout the house. I am stil missing some measuring cups. (the utenstils have since been moved to a higher location and this drawer as become "his". Which he fills with oven mitts and alphabet blocks.)

A little train ride that I was obviously way more into than him:)

Cohen and I spend a few days at our church camp with my dad this summer. He spend lots of time in this dolphin swing. We had lots of fun getting away for a few days.

I can't believe it!!! Cohen turned ONE this summer! We had a big, kid-filled party in our backyard. The weather was gorgeous and the sun was out. Cohen would rather more low key events, but he was good sport and let me have my moment.

The three of us spent two nights camping. We live in Manitoba, therefore we know mosquitoes. But I have never seen anything like this in my life. It wasn't even enjoyable. We couldn't sit outside. We stayed in the tent and went for lots of drives. Hopefully we will have better camping trips in the future.
Thanks for letting me share this year with you and I can't wait for what 2011 will bring. The start of a fresh decade. I already know of a few of exciting things for the coming year and I can't wait to share!!!
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