Most morning when I get Cohen dressed I tell him how cute he is. Recently when he hears that he has to run to my room to look in the full length mirror and then asks me to take a picture.

Shirt and Shorts: The Children's Place
Hair: in need of a cut
Face: in need of a good washing
Cohen is usually interested in clothing that features a soccer ball, elmo,or a guitar. Sometimes its difficult to get him to where anything else:)
he's so sweet! What a grin!
Simon is SO fussy when we get dressed... it's insane, who knew a 3 year old could be so picky! he usually only wants to wear white, red, or anything with a moose or Thomas on it. ;)
I can't believe he's almost 2! I hope you're feeling good... we should go for tea sometime before your new little one comes!
xo holly
Ha - what a cutie! Great blog :)
aww how cute! That's so funny that he runs to the mirror when you tell him that. almost like he doesn't believe you!
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