Thursday, September 4, 2008

chai tea latte

Two post all on my first day as a "blogger." Crazy!
Maybe I've just been out of the loop but I made the most amazing discovery tonight.
I was on my way home from writing my exam and I decided I should treat myself to a cafe mocha or something. Starbucks being an hour away is just not an option so I decide to cheap out and go to Tim's. Craving a starbucks chai tea latte, I ask them what kind of lattes they have. First one out of her mouth was a chai tea latte! You have no idea how much this pumps me up. I have gone in their so many times craving one and no I can get one. Ok ok its not nearly as good or as flavourful as starbucks(h). But it will help fill in the cravings. Gas is too expensive to justify a starbucks run.
Fall is spectacular. Cool weather. Chai tea lattes. Wearing my red trench. Oh love it! No I only need a pair of those gorgeous crocheted hand warmers from holly...still have to ask her about those.


So I'm blogging

I finally did it..started a blog i mean. I've always wanted to. I guess I just thought it would be too much. But its cold and rainy today and I have to day off so I decided this was as good of time as any. If I could have anything today it would be a chai tea latte. In order to make one I need a espresso maker..which i don't have. So until I invest in one I'm just going to have to drink my tea with out the frothy velvety steamed milk.
I'm supposed to be studying as I have an exam tonight. But I believe a better option on this cold day is to take a long, hot bubble bath..haven't had time to do that in a while.
Jason was home for lunch. It was nice to see him during the day. What's this world coming too. I wouldn't say I'm totally old-fashioned but I do like the idea of being a housewife. Sometimes I don't have time for all that I have to do. With work, school, a house to clean. Its overwhelming sometimes. I'm very blessed that Jason helps me but still it would be nice to have the evenings just to spend time doing things together. Our culture and economy makes that almost impossible. A one income home is pretty much something of the past. My goal? To change that. To be creative and come up with ways that I will be able to stay at home and make enough money that a full time job won't be necessary. I can dream can't I.