Monday, November 30, 2009

monday morning=relaxation

While "working" people despise Monday mornings...I quite enjoy mine. Especially when lil Cohen is still sleeping. Saturday night he woke up 4 times. Needless to say I was not a happy camper. (sigh) Tis the life of a baby I guess.

On Saturday my mom and I went to MCC (the local thrift shop). I was looking for some old fabric but I ended up being drawn to the book section. I love all books but especially old ones. The one book I found ended up being just the cover pages inside. They gave it to me for free. Its like a mystery...I'll never know what was supposed to be inside. I also found a special book for a special boy for Christmas.

Another of one of my finds was a hot iron transfer for embrodiery that has never been opened. There is no year on it. The package was printed with a price of 15 cents...I paid 50:)

We tried to take a family portrait with the webcam last night...this is the best one:
happy monday xoxo

Sunday, November 22, 2009

lovely sunday afternoons

I love Sunday afternoons. I have so much to do but Sundays are a great day for relaxing. I finally finished my Christmas gift for my mom. (I can't say what it is because its a surprise!)

Now I just have to finish all the kiddies gifts.

First I'm going to finish the felt garland that I started last week.

I love the garland here

On Friday it was so beautiful so I packed Cohen up in his penguin hat and we went for a walk. He is so adorable. I just love him so much:)

Off to the Pizza Hut in Steinbach for supper..supposedly its the best one
have a lovely sunday

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

37 Days 'til Christmas

It's November 17 and its 3 degrees outside right now. This is Manitoba, right? Not that I'm complaining but its harder to get into the Christmas spirit when its so beautiful outside.

This Christmas I'm making a committment to try as hard as I can to handmade gifts. Or at least I will buy homemade gifts. It sounds so easy but it actually is so hard. Sometimes its easier to just buy the people we love something useless and expensive. I'm not doing this to save money necessarily but I wanted to embrace the true meaning of Christmas by showing my loved ones how much I care.

I'm learning to crochet as part of this endeavour. I rented some books from the library and it looked easy. I'm finding it pretty difficult. I keep trying buy I can't seem to hold my hook tight. Just practice, practice, practice.

Tomorrow I believe I'm going to start decorating my home for Christmas. Then perhaps start some yummy Christmas baking..yum, yum
Maybe I'll start with this scrumptious Cranberry Pear Crumble.
Cranberries are a great festive fruit:)
after midnight...(yawn) time for bed before Cohen awakens...