Well, countdown is on...only 6 weeks left until my due date. In some ways the last 7.5 months has gone by quickly but that makes this last little bit feel the longest. I'm starting to feel nervously excited. I can not wait to hold this little one (who most people tell me will be a girl! Although I will be happy with either)! We still have a trillion (not exaggerating) things to do before the baby gets here.
We are trying to prepare ourselves with how our lives will change once we had a fourth family member to the mix. Cohen likes the idea of the baby but has no clue how is life will change...mind you...neither to we!
As I prepare for this next one I find myself going back two years and rethinking what I really need and what I didn't use at all.
Today, I'm focusing on diaper bags. I'm kinda stingy when it comes to purchasing a bag that will be filled with soiled clothes and pukky blankets.
With Cohen I purchased the Lug Tuk Tuk bag. It really is a great bag. It has insulated bottle holders and it so so easy to clean.

For me, the only con to this bag was I found it too wide for my body. I was always crashing into things with it. For at least the last year I have downsized to just carrying one of my larger purses around (which results in lots of bags with spilled milk inside), or carrying a separate bag just for him. I still use this bag for weekend trips, camping or when he has sleepovers at his Mama's and Papa's house. I can see myself using this as my gym back when Cohen is big enough to carry his own backpack.
During a baby show this winter I laid my eyes on the most beautiful bag in the world! (at least to me!) Its the Petunia Pickle Bottom Scout Journey diaper bag. It does not have the look of a diaper bag and its long and NOT wide:)
As of yet I do not own this bag, but I would like to! So far my only "con" to this bag is that at around $160..its a little bit out of my price range! But I'm still saving up my pennies in hopes that I can get it before the baby!
What kinda diaper bag do you have? And does it work for more than one child? I would love to get some advice!