Friday, November 25, 2011

And the Christmas Countdown Begins...

Well...technically I start my offical countdown on December 1st. Two years ago I purchased the advent calendar kit from Red Velvet and use it as a tradition with my family. Every year I plan out twenty four days of fun activities and/or treats. It used to be only for Jason and I, but as Cohen gets older I'm having more fun creating memories with him.
I know as a rule, boys are not into home decor crafts but I'm definetly planning on doing this together:)

This is so Going on my Christmas DIY list!!

So simple! All you need is a wreath form, glue, and some coffee filters!

(Pinterest is so awesome!)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

favourite fall accessory


I absolutely love my cowl. I made it over a year ago now and it is my go to warm accessory. I use it in the fall and all through winter into those cool spring mornings.
Every time I wear it, I'm always asked where I got it. I sold my first one last spring to a lady I met at a meeting and she loves hers too!
I'm selling them through my facebook page. I'm pumped that other people like them too.
They are perfect for breastfeeding too. Scarves and big sweaters are too bulky. The cowl provides a little cozy hider:)