Monday, November 30, 2009

monday morning=relaxation

While "working" people despise Monday mornings...I quite enjoy mine. Especially when lil Cohen is still sleeping. Saturday night he woke up 4 times. Needless to say I was not a happy camper. (sigh) Tis the life of a baby I guess.

On Saturday my mom and I went to MCC (the local thrift shop). I was looking for some old fabric but I ended up being drawn to the book section. I love all books but especially old ones. The one book I found ended up being just the cover pages inside. They gave it to me for free. Its like a mystery...I'll never know what was supposed to be inside. I also found a special book for a special boy for Christmas.

Another of one of my finds was a hot iron transfer for embrodiery that has never been opened. There is no year on it. The package was printed with a price of 15 cents...I paid 50:)

We tried to take a family portrait with the webcam last night...this is the best one:
happy monday xoxo


Holly said...

that is the cutest web cam family photo I've ever seen. fo real. <3

Oana Roxana said...

Such a lovely family! :D