Friday, March 26, 2010

Dear Baby Cohen

Dear Baby Cohen,

You are 8 1/2 months old today. We have given you countless baths. Some in the sink until you got too big. Now you bath in the tub like a big boy. We have used the same shampoo since you were born. It never really lathered that well, but it was a gift so I figured we would just use it until its gone. Last night, Daddy was gone so I decided I would give you a bath to pass the time. I sat down beside the tub and reached for the shampoo. For the first time, I read the bottle. The label says, "Baby Bedtime Bubble Bath". I found the actual shampoo in the cupboard. Sorry Baby Cohen for your lack of clean hair. The next 8 1/2 months will be different.


Holly said...

hahaha, this made me giggle!!
I'm sure the bubble bath has the same cleaning capabilities as the shampoo... I think a lot of the baby bath products are made of very similar ingredients.

too funny. :)

mel said...

hee hee hee this is adorable. and that pic of your boy is beautiful. noticeable difference in the shampoo?

Marsinah {mar-see-na} said...

Hi Tamara!

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Beautiful family, by the way :)