Friday, November 19, 2010

Today we are crossing the border. We are risking our lives on our winter roads..hehe. My husband's boss takes all the staff and their families to Grand Forks for two nights once a year. And that time has come again.

There will be super target...I could spend the whole weekend there.

A yummy mexican place for supper tonight...chips free..dinner extra.

Ice cream.
Starbucks of course.
Its also our first time travelling with a toddler. The longest we have ever gone is an hour and a half. Grand Forks is only a few hours but I'm more worried about us all sleeping in one room. There is a pool at our hotel and I'm so excited because.....I can wear my bikini again. I never thought that day would come. I tried it on yesterday and I actually felt comfortable and confident. Its been a year of very hard work and I've tried so so hard to get back to my pre baby state. My tummy skin is still a little loose but there isn't much that can be done about that.
I need to start/finish packing!
I hope everyone has an awesome weekend..I know I will:)


Holly said...

have fun!! and congrats on the bikini wearing accomplishment!! That's awesome

Unique Treasures Boutique said...

Target is amazing!