Monday, January 11, 2010

a dream

I always thought that as soon as I was a stay at home wife/mother I would have all the time in the world to further my relationship with Jesus. I would always say "Ok God, just let me stay at home and then I will have time for you" But I realized that's not the case. It doesn't matter whether you work or not, you will always have an have to make time.

I had a dream the other night that was very bizarre in some of the details. (like all dogs DO go to heaven but they have to be given a shot for pain, because on the journey to heaven their paw nails melt!) I know .... crazy. In my dream, we all new Jesus was coming back and we were just sitting outside we knew it was for sure going to happen in a matter of minutes. But I had a sudden panic that I didn't know if I was going to heaven or not. And I was looking for Jason and he was asleep on the couch watching tv. (which is something we argue about often) And I told him..How can you sleep on a day like this???? Anyways, for me this dream was a wake up call..if I want to have peace about my eternal future..I have to make time for a relationship with Jesus. I want to be secure about my future and the future of my family. I have son to raise now and I want to be an example for him. After my dream I woke up Jason and we had a good talk at 6:30 in the morning, and Jason was suprisingly alert..If you knew Jas then you would know that he loves his sleep and almost nothing interuppts it. We made a decision to shut the tv off in the evening and do our personal and couple devotions. We don't even have cable so all that's on is usually just those lame entertainment news shows.

I think this will really help us make time for Jesus and eachother.
This was kinda personal but it feels good to have a place to vent and just "talk" it out!


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