Thursday, January 14, 2010

While I feeding Cohen is breakfast my mind started to wonder to his first birthday party. I want it to be so special. I love summer parties. Jason and I's birthdays are both in the dead of winter so it will be nice to celebrate in some warmer weather.

We have super tree in our backyard for a tire swing and that's what I want to get Cohen for his birthday.
I started to search for some pictures and became really inspired by the glorious trees with tire swings on them....

all pics found on flickr


Suzanne said...

i LOVE tire swings!!! i always wanted one when i was a kid but we didn't have a big enough tree in our yard... but i do have fond memories of staying at a cabin near Gimli one summer that had a tire swing in the back :)

AmalieMaren said...

I'm so excited for you about your son! Cheer him on a bit for me!

Thanks for stoppin' by the blog! Really appreciate the comment!