Saturday, October 30, 2010

the journey

Sometimes when I sit down to prepare a post...I have nothing to say. I'm so busy that I must have something to share right???

Well, I have realized that I'm so busy doing stuff that I don't have time to think. Not about how I feel, what I'm doing, what's important in life. I think it's okay to be busy. If I'm not busy I get at least for me it's a good thing.

What I'm striving for is BALANCE. I want to work towards giving the right amount of time with my family, working, being active & healthy eating, and my relationship with God.

I'm going to start to be more reflective so I don't feel like I'm running around for no reason. I have signed up for Kristin's Journalling Saves Journal Prompts. I'm hoping it will give me the push towards writing down how I'm feeling or at least force me to think about it.

I need to get back into doing yoga more regularly. My mind, body, and spirit will be working as one and that will definetly help with the whole balance issue.

Does anyone else feel like this world is spinning so fast? How do you deal?


image via

Sunday, October 24, 2010

If you like ice cream...

Do you often have an ice cream cone as your night time snack? Any type of snacking can be a hard habit to break. Knowing that there are alternatives out there can help you curb those cravings.

I got the following idea from by employer at the gym, Deanna.
Take one ice cream cone which, depending on the brand, only contain about 10-17 calories.
And take some yogurt. I like Yoplaits Source yogurt. There is no sugar added and they have a dessert selection line that is so so yummy.

If you eat these two at the same time you hit that craving for the crunch with the cone and yogurts the next best thing in terms if ice cream.
You can also but your yogurt into your cone and freeze it so its nice and crispy and then you have a fro-yo cone without the extra calories.
Try this out tonight!!!
(images via google)

Monday, October 18, 2010

My First Ever Craft Show

This weekend, I participated in my first ever craft show! It made for a really long weekend but fun nonetheless. I did fairly well. My goal for this craft show was to get my name out there. The next craft show I'm doing is on November 6 so it gives me some more time to add to my inventory and create a few more items:) Here are some pics of my table!
My prized possession: I had one kid tell me that he was sure it was for a playstation. I couldn't believe that kids don't know what typewriters are these days. It makes me feel really really old:)
A few people wanted to but it..but I'll never let it go!

I had to sacrifice the weekend with Cohen to attend. But he forgives me...Look at that face:)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recipe Wednesday

The biggest difficulty I find being a wife/mom is meal ideas. I have several goals when meal planning:

  • save money

  • enough prepared food for leftovers

  • quick prep

  • healthy as possible

My boss told me of an idea that I think is the most genius thing ever! Slow cooker chicken! I know, I are thinking what's so ingenious about slow cooker chicken, right?

Easy peasy...take at least three FROZEN chicken breasts and put them in your slow cooker. Sprinkle some sort of seasoning over top. I used some poultry seasoning but you can use whatever you want. Turn you slow cooker on. And that's it. I had my on low for at least 6 hours. Or overnight and then keep it warm until you are ready to eat.

Your house will smell of roast chicken..yum! Take the leftover juice and add some cornstarch and you have a perfect gravy.

The possibilities are endless with this chicken. Use it for any meal that you need cooked chicken for. For example, soups, pizzas...etc!

Super easy! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Momma Fit

For those of you who don't know, I'm a certified fitness instructor. Healthy living is a passion of mine. I'm not perfect at it all the time but I try.

Long before we were even thinking of starting a family, I started to get myself in really great shape. I wanted to have the healthiest pregnancy. So what started as a desire for pregnancy is now my life.

I notice all the time that once women have children, they kinda forget who they are. The focus is on the children (which is a good thing). But there has to be : BALANCE. That's my word of the year. Balancing: kids, husbands, food, laundry, cleaning, finances, friends, family, church, school..etc.

People ask me all the time, "where do you have the time to work out?" Simple, I make time. Now sometimes it means that I have to stay up later than I would like because I'm at the gym. Or sacrificing an hour with my son or husband in order to work out. Think about it this way, if you make the goal to go to the gym or do somesort of workout 3x a week for 1 hour. That's only 3 hours out of your whole week!

Here are some tips on making that time possible for you:

Include your kids in your workout. Most children thinks its so much fun to see mom work out. Cohen's favourite is burpees. He giggles and giggles. There are so many exercises out there that include your baby in some way. It can be a great time for you and your kids. You are being an example to your kids that exercise is important.
Put your kids in the stroller or have them run with you or ride their bikes along side you. Again this can be a great way to bond with your kids.

If you expecting, exercise is hugely important. Research shows that expectant mothers who exercise regularly througout their pregnancy have smaller weight babies which can reduce their risk of obesity later in life.
Make sure one of your workouts a week is without your kids. Its important for moms to take that time for themselves. You will feel happier and have a boost of energy. And moms everywhere know how important energy!
Exercise isn't the only thing necessary to be a healthy mamma! Nutrition is usually 50% of it too!
That's another post:)
Most communities have mom and baby programs. Research some in your area. Its a great way to meet other moms in your neighbourhood, interact with your baby, and do something great for yourself.
If you have any questions or want some specific exercises, let me know:)

Friday, October 1, 2010

A beautiful Time of Year

I'm back at it. I took a haitus from blogging this summer. One of my goals for this year was to create a blog that I love. Its still a work in progress but here I am.

Fall is my favourite time of year. I love the cool weather and the gorgeous colours. This year my son is old enough to love playing outside in the leaves and at the park. Today we went for a walk around town. I got to enjoy all the beautiful colours and he was rewarded with some swing time!

(source: google images)

He is such a cutie!
You will be seeing more of me around these parts:)